Sadly, I can relate to this kitty and her bad hair, although as far as I know, I don't have hair growing out of my ears.....yet. Perhaps it would help if I were to get a haircut every three months instead of my usual birthday haircut and October haircut. Every year, I tell myself that I'll do better with my hair , but I never do....I still take dull scissors to my bangs every couple of months to get them out of my eyes. Usually by the time I actually go to the beauty shop (beauty shop? what is this, the fifties?), my bangs are sticking up at various heights and lengths, looking a little like, yes, yes, the kitty in the picture. Come to think of it, that was the expression on my face this morning when I got the unfortunate glimpse of myself in the mirror. (I usually try to avoid mirrors whenever possible).
On that note, I thought I would show off a really fun Etsy treasury that was curated by Gabardine Couture. She's from Switzerland and makes some really groovy handbags and other things too.
(Disclaimer: This treasury has nothing to do with bad hair or mirror avoidance, this is a super cool treasury whereas my appearance is not super cool and has nothing whatsoever to do with this super cool treasury and I don't know why I even brought it up).
Click on any picture to go to the listing on Etsy:
'°Psycho Dream°' by GabardineCouture
$148.00 | $17.00 |
$65.00 | $35.00 |
$95.00 | $575.00 |
$8.00 | $200.00 |
$65.00 | $100.00 |
$28.00 | $335.00 |
$34.99 | $450.00 |
$100.00 | $25.99 |
She featured one of my wall sculptures "Psychedelic Flower #1", which was inspired by the movie "Avatar".
(I really need to re-shoot some of my earlier photos, geeze......I'll add that to my never-ending list.)
In other news: I'm on an Etsy team called AREtsy, which is all Arkansas artists, and yesterday I was one of the featured artists on their blog! I was excited to see it, and if you'd like to check it out, here's the link:
Treasury tool is sponsored by A/B image testing.