
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thoughts on the Tsunami

Digital Energy Art by Primalpainter

I know things happens, I know that, but the devastation and pain associated with this earthquake and tsunami are overwhelming.  I've been blocking it all out since I first heard about it until today and that dreaded moment when I sat down and actually looked at the images, listened to and read the stories and worst of all, allowed myself to feel the emotions of so many people grieving and in shock. 

Consequently, all day I've been in a deep depression, complete with overwhelming fatigue and a migraine,  and finally I just let myself cry it out and express that grief  (or at least some of it).  Being on the empathic side has its challenges.  With an individual it's tricky yet do-able to keep their emotions from affecting my mood.  Not so easy when it comes to millions of people feeling similar strong emotions, though. 

The collective consciousness of a large group of people is powerful.  It's like a tsunami of grief and fear, a heavy blanket of darkness.  Conversely, a large group of people feeling positive emotions and sending healing light can also be powerful.  Maybe that's what we should all be doing in whatever way we feel is right.

One  thing that's disturbing about not only this incident, but the whole gamut of crazy weather and earthquakes recently, is that December 21, 2012 is fast approaching.  Now I don't  believe that the world will come to an end on that day, but even if it's completely uneventful, the collective consciousness of billions of people with that expectation and fear could create it's own problems.  I imagine the grocery store shelves being empty and  no gas will be the least of our self-inflicted problems. I also suspect that the crazy weather and natural disasters will continue and maybe even get worse. 

I get a newsletter from a guy named Mitch Battros called Earth Changes, here's the link for his blog.   I don't really know if he's a kook or not, but I like to get a variety of viewpoints, then come to my own conclusions. Anyway, for the past couple of months, his newsletters have reported strong solar flares and other unusual solar activity that have triggered magnetic storms in the atmosphere.  He then follows up with  a warning to expect disruptive weather and earthquakes within the next 48 - 72 hours. I received his newsletter with news of violent solar activity shortly before this earthquake.  His warnings have been right on here lately.

Could there be a connection?  And when that alignment of the planets occurs in December 2012, which will happen based on scientific fact, will this trigger some huge magnetic shift that sets off  violent solar activity that then results in catastrophic events on earth?  We live in interesting times, but we must remember not to live in fear so as not to feed the beast. At the same time, it doesn't hurt to be aware of the possibilities.

Sorry to be a downer, but I yam who I yam and this is who I yam today.  I'll do something lighthearted tomorrow, I think I need it.

In Light,



  1. For some reason, I love this post! Even if it is dark and depressing.. ;)
    Me, my sister, my mom and my aunt and my cousins are trying to raise $$ to donate to Japan. Wish us luck!
    ͼ◌○◦≈♥≈◦○◌ͽ ͼ◌○◦≈♥≈◦○◌ͽ ͼ◌○◦≈♥≈◦○◌ͽ
    Thanks for following my Blog! I really appreciate it! ^_^

  2. Good luck with raising money, that's awesome! And thanks for leaving a comment despite this post being dark and depressing, that was sweet!
