
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Third Chakra Rising

"Metamorphosis" by primalpainter 
Yesterday I was feeling kind of rebellious and my post was a little on the....shall we say.....unprofessional side.  I've never been known for having great timing, and of course I would have to choose the same day that Etsy artist  Sybillinart featured my third chakra painting "Fearless" on her blog which sent some people my way, and what do they see?  A monkey sticking a finger in his butt, smelling it and falling over backwards from the horrifying stench. (Good Gawd, my timing is horrible, still, though, that video is so hilarious.....heheeeee!)

Anyway, I'm sorry Sybillinart for that unfortunate timing and I'll make up for it today.

Sybillinart is a decoupage artist on Etsy. She has something for everyone in her shop from pendants to boxes, cards to wall decor, vases, journals, you name it.  She really made my day when she included my third chakra painting "Fearless" in an Etsy treasury within hours of me listing it on Etsy.  Then she bought it which sent me into a wild spree of happiness, confirming to me that working on my chakra paintings is the right thing to do.  Thank you for that Sybillinart!

I'm really honored that she did an Artist Feature about this painting on her blog Sybillin' Art News.  Go to her blog and check it out!    She even has a photo of it hanging on her wall right above her desk, which I thought was super cool.

For those who might be interested in the behind-the-scenes story concerning this painting, I did a couple of blog posts about it awhile back.  The first post is called "Third Chakra Issues" and chronicles the intention behind the painting and the emotional debris that emerged as I was working on it.

The second post is called "Fearless: Third Chakra" and shows the progression and visual evolution that took place from the first and second chakra paintings to the third and my thoughts on the process.

Thank you Sybillinart for including my painting "Fearless" in your world, I know it's found the perfect home!

In other news, I got my prints from  yesterday, and they were awesome!  I had them printed on this metallic paper that has some kind of subtle  pearlized metallic glow to it.  The colors are deep and rich, they're really beautiful.   They're small, though, 8" x 10", and I'm thinking I'd like some bigger ones, say 16" x 20". Maybe I should figure out what I'm going to do with them first....

I made and airbrushed a wooden frame for my first energy art creation that I  printed on my own printer and gave it to Andi for her 21st birthday.  She's my biggest fan, so I thought it would be appropriate to give her the first of something new that I'm starting.  I called it "The Beginning" and unbelievably forgot to get pictures of it. It turned out good and looks really nice hanging on a wall, though. 

Here's a picture of it without the frame, (the frame or maybe more appropriately the wood mat was 3" wide on all sides, 1/4" thick and painted with a gradation of turquoise and aqua to deep blue).

"The Beginning"

Well this is one gorgeous day, gotta get out there an enjoy it!   By the way, maybe we could all send some white light, prayers, healing thoughts and good energy to all those affected by this terrible tragedy in Japan.




  1. LOL Of all days to be unprofessional, right? ;) Oh well. What can you do?

    Congrats on getting featured, though, I'll have to go and check that out!

    By the way, where did you get that info on winning the camera through ArtFire? I looked quickly but didn't see anything...

    Anyway, have a great day- it is beautiful out! Very spring-y, and we've got crocuses in the front gardens!

  2. Wonderful news on the Chakra painting, so happy for you! :)

    Sent some healing energy to Japan this morning, I know many others are doing the same.
