
Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Pandora" Digital Energy Art by Primal Painter

"Pandora" by Primal Painter

I love the colors in this digital warpization of my wall sculpture "Expansion".  It makes me think of the plant life on planet Pandora in the movie "Avatar".  I'm mesmerized by the colors in that movie, not to mention the story line.  To me, the visuals make that movie, but I love the "good versus evil" aspect as well.  "Avatar" has that  plus a little romance. 

Ironically, the depiction of evil in "Avatar" is Corporate America (a reflection of the current state of America and maybe the world, in my opinion).  In this movie, Planet Earth is on the verge of extinction due to our own reckless stupidity, greed, and abuse of the environment.  They (notice I said "they" as I identify more with the Na'vi than the Americans) need a precious mineral that can only be found deep in the ground under the native Na'vi's Home Tree. 

The Na'vi are peaceful beings that live completely in harmony with nature, and have energetic connections with the plant and animal life.  The evil corporation tries to annihilate them to get what they want, but the Na'vi  and even the wild creatures rise up against them.  This movie is symbolic in many ways and also gives an insight into how cultures might live in peace and harmony through a reverence for nature and acknowledgement of the energetic connections we could have with each other.

Gee, I think I want to watch that movie again today! It always seems to leave me feeling inspired, plus it gives me goosebumps and makes me all teary eyed when I see the Na'vi gathering in concentric circles with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them in order to magnify the energetic connection. I want to be like them. 

In other news, my daughter Andi had a little surprise for me today.  She sent me a link to a youtube video and told me to check it out.  This is what I saw...


I couldn't believe it!  How in the world did she know how to do that!  She never ceases to amaze me with her support and faith in me.  If only I had that much faith in myself I'd be a star, but I'm working on it.  Thank you Andi! I love you!

Well I hope everyone has an awesome day! 




  1. I adore Avatar, as soon as I saw it I wanted to live in Pandora, that's my kind of world! ;) I had to laugh when I saw the video, I've been toying with the idea of getting my brother to make me one! ;) We seem to be constantly on the same wavelength! Your daughter did a fabulous job! :)

  2. The whole social media thing feels really strange and awkward to me, yet thanks to Etsy, I'm grateful to have found a handful of kindred spirits in far off places!

    You should have your brother make a video for you, the more places you're seen the better! And thanks, Andi did do a fantastic job, I wouldn't have known how to do that in a million years!

  3. First- "Avatar" is amazing. I went to see it in theaters with my friends, and we all walked out saying, "That was AWESOME!" :)

    Second- fantastic video, Andi did a great job! Maybe I should do a video with my photographs... it'd be like an ad or something, LOL! First I'd have to get a YouTube account, though... I'm surprised I don't have one yet, quite frankly. :)

  4. Your wall art is just amazing!! I love all your creations! The video is beautiful, too :)
