
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Digital Energy Art "The Angel" by primalpainter

"The Angel" by primalpainter

I was in an Angel mood yesterday and created this beautiful energy art from a photo of one of my older wall sculptures called "Forest Angels". I have the same image in several different color combos, but this one is my fave.

The wall sculpture I used for inspiration is actually quite different from the ones I have listed on Etsy and Artfire right now.  I painted the glass in a transparent way and put a bulb behind it so it's actually a light. There are hidden images of angels all over it.  I did several styles of these wall sculpture lights, not quite sure why I stopped doing them because they're really pretty cool and unique.  My daughter has this hanging in her apartment.

See any angels?

So  I was thinking, (oh no, not that) there seems to be a big connection between my moods, energy level and the weather.  I seem to have a strong desire to hibernate if the temperature gets below 55 degrees. Is that ridiculous or what?! 55 degrees!! 

I think it must be one of those excuses that I pull out of my bottomless pit called "Stupid Excuses and Ridiculous Reasons for Procrastination".  It's always been a little tricky to be self-employed, there's just so many things to get distracted by..... like naps....soap  If it's gloomy outside, Good Gawd, can't work in the studio today, I might get some gloom on me or sumthin'.  What the...?!  That's so ridiculous!

I really have to change my ways, like maybe get on a schedule of some kind.  (A schedule? Really? Me? LOLOL)   Seriously, though, I need to work on my self-discipline which is something I've been telling myself for the past oh, 30 years or so but to no avail.  Maybe it's time to grow up.........

On that note, let's watch a little video: 

That could be me telling myself  "You're 50 years old, grow up, get some self discipline, and get on a schedule, darn you!"  I respond with "Talk to the hand, bee-otch, I can kick your butt with my kung fu feet!". But in the end, it's all just  "DA da da...da DA da.... da da DA".

Haha, I could do a whole post on the imaginary conversation between these two

Well it's gloomy, cold and rainy so I'd better curl up with a good book......Good Gawd, I'm hopeless!!!




  1. Haha, that video is FABULOUS! :D I wonder what they're talking about...

    - "Hey, dude, did you find anything good in the fridge?"
    - "Hehehehehe..."
    - "No, seriously, did you find anything good?"
    - "Hehe, yeah, but you don't get any!"
    - "Come on, dude, I really want to. I'm really hungry. And it sounds really good..."
    - "Hehe, no. Back off or I'll kick you."

    LOL Couldn't resist making up my own! Your imagined conversation is hilarious. :)

    Taylor Lynn <3

  2. Lol, that's funny! They sure are passionate about whatever it is they're talking about, I mean, what's with that pose with the foot lifted? It looks like some kind of kung fu pose called "the angry flamingo"....

  3. LOL I know! It does. :) Whatever they're doing/saying, though, they sure are cute!
