
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Blogs

My little friend ForestFaery gave me an award of sorts the other day when I was feeling blue.  She listed my blog on her blog as one that she likes to read along with several others. There were some guidelines  to follow when accepting my award, but I'm terrible when it comes to following guidelines (sorry Forest, I'm a rebel...or of the two!).  I thought it was  sweet and flattering, though, so today I wanted to mention a few blogs that I  like to read.
ForestFaery is young but oh so wise and such a special girl.  She's an excellent writer and always has fun and interesting observations. Her talent isn't limited to writing, though. She has quite the artistic eye and uses it in her photography.  Check out her Etsy shop TheForestFaery.
ForestFaery's mother, Simply Smitten is also an awesome writer and I love reading her posts. She's very insightful, spiritual and I admire her philosophies. She makes very cool personalized clipboards and a variety of organic products which you can see in her Etsy shop SimplySmitten.
BeautifullyPractical is hilarious!  She mixes humor with good and helpful information, always a great read!   She makes some funky and super cool ceramics, jewelry and keepsake bags so be sure and check out her Etsy shop BeautifullyPractical.
Della writes about the challenges and triumphs  in her life while living with lupus. I admire her strength and courage.  She makes charming jewelry from seashells and other materials.  Her Etsy shop is OrangeBlossomCrafts.
Orangies Attic is always entertaining and fun. I like it when she showcases cool etsy  finds that tie in with her stories. Her Etsy shop is full of fun vintage items, the kinds of things you might find in your grandma's attic. OrangiesAttic

There are others I like, of course, but these are some of my  favorites from when I first learned what blogging was......which was about six weeks ago!

Thanks for the award ForestFaery, you're a sweetie!




  1. Thank you Laurie! You are a sweetie! I love reading your blog, too. I was excited to see a new post! I will be adding you to my blog roll.

  2. Cool! I don't really know what a blog roll is, but far out, thanks!

  3. Aww, thanks, primalpainter! I'm so glad that you like my blog so much. :) It means a lot to me! And I appreciate your little description, too... it was very sweet! :D

    Thanks again!

    Taylor Lynn (TheForestFaery

  4. Thank you Laurie, what an awesome thing to read! It always amazed me the places you can find a kindred spirit. Now I'm off to check out some of those blogs!

  5. I think all you girls are awesome and true positive energies in this world! Happy to have found you all!

  6. Thanks! :D *big grin*
