
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Creative Evolution

Sometimes the best way to start the day is a with a big laugh, accompanied by an "Awwwww"!

This is the evolution of my most recent photo alteration.  I've started checking into online printing companies in an effort to possibly incorporate some of these altered photos into my wall sculptures.

I was thinking about how weird and twisty (and strangely appropriate for my state of mind) this concept is.   1) I make the original wall sculpture 2) I take photos of the wall sculpture  3)  I manipulate the photos of that wall sculpture into some groovy abstract art  4)  I make prints of that abstract art and incorporate them into a new wall sculpture  5)  I take photos of the new wall sculpture  6) I manipulate those photos.....and so looking into mirrors that are reflecting each others......worlds within worlds within worlds.

                      Below is the original photo from my wall sculpture entitled "Breaking Free".

                              Add some contrast and some other stuff, I can't remember what......

I remember discovering a totally fun warping function. (Warp-a-mania....warp-zilla.....warp-alicious....warp-a-zoid....Warpy McWarp-erson....)

Oh yeah, and there it is.....a portal to another dimension, maybe to the third eye and that intuitive sixth chakra zone.

Hehee, that's some trippy sh#%!   The creation of these abstract images is the epitome of how I interpret "Energy Art". There's a little bit of left brain activity in the creative process, but it's mostly an intuitive right brain approach where my mind is filled with only imagery and energy, just flowing along with what feels right with no structured thoughts or  analysis

It's fun, I tell ya!

From a budding Warp-a-Maniac,



  1. Dear Ms. Warp-a-Maniac;

    That video is ADORABLE!!!

    And your warpazoid-ed picture is pretty cool, I love it! Nice work!

  2. These are cool! I have gimp and I've never done anything like this. I might have to play around with it for fun!

  3. Thanks girls! Gimp at your own risk! I've discovered it's very addicting, maybe even more addicting than Dove Dark Chocolate, and as far as I know, there's no GA groups (Gimp Anonymous).

  4. Hmmm, I think I need to look into Gimp next... ;)

  5. It's easy to download the program, it's trickier to figure out how to use it. Not being afraid to push this button and that button is essential to learning by doing.

    Here's the link:
