
Monday, September 5, 2011

Chakra Girl Energy Art

So I was thinking, "What is the definition of my art, what is the purpose, what am I trying to accomplish here?  Is my art in in the category of energy art? (yes) Is it in the category of visionary art? (yes) Is it in the category of spiritual art? (yes)  Is it in the category of healing art? (yes)  Is it in the category of chakra art? (yes)  Is it in the category of reiki art? (yes)"  That's too many frickin' categories...

"Chakra Girl" is the first in a series of wall sculptures where I'm attempting to translate energy into a three dimensional form.  She's sold already, within about 12 hours of listing on Etsy (yay, thank you Myra!), and she generated some buzz in terms of views and hearts.  A good sign!  All of sudden, my head is once again in the clouds (did it ever leave?) with visions of bigger and more ambitious projects.

The purpose of "Chakra Girl" is to open and stretch the chakras.  When writing the description, it occurred to me that it might be good  to more clearly define not just a purpose, but a category for the kind of art I'm creating.  

Some definitions:

Visionary Art:   "Visionary art encourages the development of our inner sight.  To find the visionary realm, we use the intuitive inner eye:  The eye of contemplation; the eye of the soul". - John Grey 

Energy Art:  Energy art  is the process of creating art that intuitively taps into the energy of an intention, a thought, an idea or an emotion and translates it into a visual form with healing properties.  I wrote that definition, but  there are other definitions such as this one, by Dr. Sylvia Hartmann:

Energy art is any form of art that takes the reality of there being other dimensions than just those we can see, hear, feel and touch, smell and taste into consideration.
The purpose of a work of energy art is to create something which has not just a physical reality but also an energetic reality, and that actually does something at the energy levels.

Chakra Art and Reiki Art also describe what I'm doing but they seem to be more sub-categories than the main category.

Visionary art sounds kind of arrogant in a way.  Come to think of it, Healing Art also sounds arrogant.  It implies that I'm a healer and I'm not. I'm just the delivery guy, the tool.  Energy Art is the most applicable, but maybe that's because I wrote the description. lol   It's not exactly something that a person might think to search for, though.

Anybody have any thoughts on how a person might categorize my art?  I've confused myself (not hard to do these days!)

I'll think about it another day.....

Well, Happy Labor Day! (Labor Day, what a strange unholiday sounding phrase....labor day......It should be Unlabor Day)  Oh no, my brain just short circuited.......Words.....Gah!  Colors......Wheeee!




  1. My first thought immediately was Energy Art. I think visionary art is too broad. I agree with the healing art comment you made. But when you write, you consistently talk about the energy in your art. It seems that's where it comes from too.

    That art is truly amazing. I can see how that sold so quickly. Very cool.

  2. Laurie, she's GORGEOUS! I love all the swirls and colors and I WANT HER! ;) Of course, I had to click the link before reading this post to see how much she cost (kind of silly on my part, since I'm currently broke, but that's beside the point) and found out she'd already sold. CONGRATULATIONS! YAY!

    You should definitely do more 3-D stuff. Your 3-D work is my favorite - it's all so vibrant and graceful!

    Hugs! :D

  3. Finding Charm, I think you're right about visionary art being too broad. Energy Art really does seem to fit the best, if only people were searching for it!! Thanks for the compliment!

    Tay, Hi there! So glad you survived the hurricane! Thanks, I like her too. I'm going to do some more that are similar to her. They won't be painted exactly the same but the pose will be the same, and they'll be numbered on the back. I'm also going to do some different poses and some bigger ones, too. Maybe even some where there's more than one figure in the design, with layering....We'll see... I never know how things are going to evolve...

  4. Haha, I'm glad I survived, too! ;) And that sounds awesome about your upcoming chakra girls. Whatever you come up with, I'm sure they'll be fabulous - I hope you'll share photos! :D

  5. Oh wow Laurie.. she's the way you're going with the 3D... am thinking Energy Art too... can hardly wait to see the next one..

  6. OHMYGOD LAURIE! I know I'm commenting late... but this is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! It's GORGEOUS beyond any description! ♥
    The lucky person how purchased it better enjoy it thoroughly! ♥


  7. Hello Laurie! I absolutely love love love chakra girl! I think she is so gorgeous and I want her! I can't wait to see more :)

  8. Absolutely stunning - I'm very into energy centers, meditation, yoga...this is moving.

  9. You are just one clever cookie! Your girl is gorgeous! No wonder she sold so quickly. Her form and colour 'divine'. And how to categorize your art? Hey I stopped trying to do that a long time ago. It is just YOU,its your style. x Julie
