
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Butterflies and Lilacs

"Through a Butterfly's Eyes" 

Ruh-Roh Raggie...  Not everything has to be totally abstracted out I've discovered.  How about a little realism/abstract combo action.  This image was just my first attempt, so it's not a finished product or anything. I thought I'd share the very first one so that months later I can see how far I've progressed..

Man, I tell ya, that gimp is a fascinating tool.  As I learn more and more (all completely by accident) about the wonderful things gimp can do, I see endless possibilities.  Or maybe it's just the drugs I've been on for the last few days for an incessant migraine, I dunno! Not that I like the drugs, I hate the drugs, they make me tired and I know my aura is filled with black clouds because of them.  Nothing can really be done about a brain injury though, so I just need to feel grateful that I don't get seizures which were also a possibility when the brain injury occurred.

I don't know if it's the migraine, the creative burst I'm having out in the studio, all the eclipses and solstice energy or the disturbing discovery that some people lack integrity and will steal my images and words, but I've been strangely mute for the past week or so.  I'm still feeling pretty mute, but thought I'd stop in and say hi.

It just occurred to me that I'm also gearing up for some throat chakra work so that could have something to do with it too. Much of the imagery I'm creating right now is in blues with some purples thrown in which is a good indication that I'm moving up into the higher chakras.

I really want to put a chakra guide page at the top of this blog, but being mute doesn't seem to be conducive to writing.  I did manage to get a "What is Reiki" page up, so that's something at least.  If only I could multi-task like my sister who can do a million things at once and do them well!  I'm not like that.  Working out in the studio takes away my interest in writing and words (and cleaning and reading and everything for that matter!). .  The creative process for me doesn't include words.  My brain thinks in terms of imagery, shapes, colors and patterns.  I like fantasy land better than literal words so I might be there for awhile.

Well I'm already talked out......




  1. I love Through a Butterfly's Eyes!!! The combo of the butterfly and the abstract background is beautiful! If it's not done yet, I definitely cannot wait to see the finished product!
    I noticed the new addition to your pages and I am going to read it when I finish up here :)
    I know what you mean about your creative process not including words... sometimes mine does, and sometimes it doesn't.
    I hope you're enjoying your muteness and getting a lot accomplished :)

  2. I love the colors in that butterfly art, Laurie... you've done it again! You're pretty darn talented, you know that?

    Interesting to hear that your brain works in imagery... I suppose I could've guessed, I just didn't. ;) I'm pretty word-oriented myself. Hehe. I do think in terms of imagery sometimes, though; my ideas just don't often come out. ;)

    Thanks for stopping in to say hi... it was nice to hear from ya! Annoying about the drugs, though... yuck.

  3. Interesting that you have added the butterfly. its all about evolving and transformation. Take care and I will send some Reiki your way.

  4. Love that butterfly picture!! You should definitely do more of those!!! <3 <3

    Ohmygosh- I want to download Gimp so much! Haha. I search "Free photo editors" in Google and use the ones that come up ;D Haha, it's fun, but takes a little longer then if you just had it on your computer!


  5. I say take as much time as you need, we'll all be here waiting for you when you're ready. :) You and that gimp were a match made in heaven, it's so much fun to see your excitement with each new discovery! I'm glad you're in your Studio, that seems to be the happiest place for you, and I know when you emerge you'll have some amazing creations to share. Good luck with the throat chakra, that'll be another healing adventure I'm sure! I've been trying to get a chakra page up too... it'll probably be awhile but that last book I read was so fantastic, I just want to share! I'm also trying to find the time to squeeze in a blog make-over... all in due time I guess. :) Thanks for saying hi. :)

  6. Hey Sara, thank you! My brain is overflowing with ideas right now, so many that I have to make a list that's comprised of, yes, words! Creative spurts are fun if I can keep it all straight and actually finish something, that's the tricky part!

    Hi Tay, thanks for the compliment! I think you're very talented, too, and I really admire your gift with words. I go through phases where I really have to force myself to even talk let alone write, I can get really internal. You? You don't seem to have that issue lol!!

    Hi Julie! Oh my gosh, thank you for the reiki, I wondered why I'd been feeling better! Evolving and transformation....yep, that seems to be happening at a very rapid pace these days. It's a wild ride!

    Hey Jordan, Gimp is free! Just go to (I think that's the address) and the download is fast and easy. I think you could really do some awesome things with it. It's been tricky to learn, but you young people are more tech savvy than us old folks, so you'd probably pick it up really fast.

    Hi Melinda, thanks for understanding! I really do love gimp, I thought about getting a book for it, but that would take away some of the fun and make it too literal. It's gotta be fun! I've been having some pretty intense releases the last several days. I've been doing some reiki exchanges with a couple of people, and that really seems to be getting things moving that were stuck. What book have you been reading? Sounds like you're busy!

  7. LOL No, not often, Laurie! I usually don't have any trouble writing; if I don't feel like writing a novel or a story, I can usually write an email or a journal entry or a blog post! ;)

    Hugs! <3
