
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Second Chakra - Healing the Hurt

This is a cool image, in my opinion. It’s called “Healing the Hurt“, it’s made from 1/4″ birch wood and measures about 13″ in diameter. It was really fun and interesting to create this abstract wall sculpture that represents the movement and clearing out of old energy, second chakra style.

I’ve started on a little journey, or maybe in my complicated case, a looooonnnggg journey…lol For whatever reason, the thought of doing energy work on my chakras is a mixture of fear, dread, procrastination, and gratitude for the noticable improvements. I can feel a definite difference in my energetic sensitivity and more amazingly, how to keep it up and healthy since working with my first and second chakra abstract paintings.

So what’s this fear and dread about anyway? When I visualize the health of my chakra system, it seems to me that my third, fourth, and fifth chakras are a mess. Actually, I think my heart chakra has been seriously damaged and it’s screwed up the chakras on either side of it. There’s going to be issues to confront, things that I’d rather just sweep under the rug, uncomfortable emotions, facing some harsh realities about myself, then acceptance, forgiveness, and release. The opening happens….the light radiates out through the chakra, clearing away all the crap and debris that’s clogging up the flow.

The first chakra wall sculpture I did is called “The Red Portal“. I noticed that there’s an evolution in the rendering of the rays and the light source from the first to the second. I’m interested to see how the third, yellow chakra painting turns out….and all the rest of them, for that matter. I connect with the chakra and let myself visualize its appearance. Then that visual energy bypasses my brain and comes out my hands. lol I never really know what’s going to happen.

After I’m done with the series of energy paintings intended for chakra opening and clearing, I’m going to do a series intended for chakra balancing and strengthening, you know, with SPIRALS!!!.
To see more of my abstract wall sculptures, you can go to my Etsy shop HERE


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