
Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Snowbound State of Mind

LOLOLOLOL.....heeeheeeeee, that's funny.  I'm thinking that's how I might look if I dared to look in the mirror during these days....and days.....and DAYS of being snowbound.  We got the whopping 10" of snow yesterday, and while being really beautiful and magical, you have to understand that here in my little burg of winding hilly streets nestled in the Ozark Mountains, that we shut 'er down after getting the piddley 1" of snow.  So........Here I am, zero degrees outside, too cold to work in the studio, no way the car can make it out of the driveway, let alone down "The Hill".  You know what this means, don't you.........A day of  "Fun with Gimp!" 

Below is a photo I took of the snow yesterday, that somehow I transformed into this crazy wild pattern. (But don't ask me how I did it, cause I don't have a frickin' clue.....)

Oh my gosh, that is so cool!!! I may have to wander around today and take more trippy pictures. Well, I'm off to see what other groovy things gimp can do.  


  1. HA...this cracked me up. Waiting for some more groovy gimp pics!

  2. OMG, this image is so freaking AWESOME!!! I just had to share it on my Facebook Page and Twitter! You are one seriously talented artist! WOW!

  3. Thanks Orangie and Beautiful! I get lost for HOURS! Is there such a thing as GimpAnonymous?
