
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Abstract Art and Finding Balance

For the last month, I've been struggling with being productive with my artwork and I was just wondering why.  Don't get me wrong, creating art is super fun, but the marketing and the writing of the descriptions and the BS (Blatant Self-promotion)  involved in selling art is a real drag.  It hangs me up and I get to thinking that I HAVE to do this or that before I create anything, then I just head towards the nearest fantasy book and a spot in the sun.

 I need to find the right balance, which is why I created this energy art print "Balance".  I'm thinking of having this one printed on a large canvas, like say a 16" x 20" and if nobody buys it, that's ok because it'll look awesome on my wall!  Maybe I'll change up the colors and make it more purple-ey.

Maybe I've been approaching selling art online with too much emphasis on the HAVE TO's.... I have to make money has been a big motivator, but apparently it's not enough because I'm eyeballing that book on my coffee table and that spot out in the sun.

Money sucks because I HAVE to have it, and I  rebel against the Have To's.  Or maybe I just need to work on my underlying "money sucks" attitude.   How about this......I LOVE money, I want to roll around in it nekkid and smell it and throw it in the air and spend it on unnecessary things...wheeeeeee moneeeeeeeyyy (maniacal laughter)!!!!  Well maybe that's  not exactly right either...  (One extreme to the other... yay for whoremoans)

My intention with making  art is to tap into its healing and energetic qualities while still keeping it visual and fun eye create  something  that makes people say ooooooooh, or ahhhhhhhh, or  lifts the mood, or  makes them feel  happy, or triggers an insight, or gives them goosebumps or elevates the vibe and well being. (That's a lot of "or's".....)

So maybe I need to approach all the  marketing tasks with the attitude that this is an opportunity to possibly help someone or make them feel a little bit better in some small way.  It's a way to spread some light into the world,  an opportunity, not a job.  Hey now that sounds awesome in words, quotable even,  I wonder how it'll translate in real life....

(The next day)

Oh noooooooo!!!!   I just bought two big bags FULL of tempting books at the library book sale for  $2! .............I'm doomed!!!  I wonder if I'm sabotaging myself ...or maybe I'm testing my will power and self discipline.  Crap.  I rarely pass  self imposed testing scenarios out of sheer rebellion against myself.  (Do other people rebel against themselves or  is it just me?)      Doomed...haha... I'm Dooooommmed..   Now there's an example of self sabotage if I ever saw one.

It seems like I would have grown out of this rebellious stage by now but instead of rebelling against other people and their rules, I mostly just rebel against myself.  Good Gawd, that's sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud.  lol

Well I have to go do something productive.......after I look through my giant bags of books.   Look at that, I'm doing it again.....Gah!!!

Have an awesome day!


Check out my Etsy Shop for wall sculpturesabstract artenergy art and reiki jewelry


  1. Laurie - I absolutely, hands down, unequivocally (had to look that one up!) feel that 'balance' is one of your best evah! :))

    I think that when artists create and 'birth' a new work then they need to have some down time. Don't beat yourself up too much! Enjoy your books!

    And yes - positive vibes about money....always! If we get all hung up with not having enough...well, you know what Mike Dooley says ( Thoughts become things.....hears to thinking the good ones!

    hugs to you friend,

  2. You are so gosh darn adorable! I can totally relate to the self-sabotage thing. Speaking strictly for myself, I've come to the conclusion that I self-sabotage myself so that I have something to point to, to blame, for my "failures". I'm working hard on overcoming self-sabotage because I deserve better...and you do too!

  3. First, that new energy art is awesome! It's got such a neat design! :D

    And believe me, I know about the "HAVE TO" thing, haha. ;) When I was setting my alarm for six every morning, I'd get up grumpy; but once I stopped using it and got up at about six (which is when I usually wake up on my own, anyway) it completely changed. When you "HAVE TO", it's like it takes the fun out of it! ;)

    Of course, marketing and BS can't really compete with a fantasy book and a spot in the sun. xD

    As for this...
    "to create something that makes people say ooooooooh, or ahhhhhhhh, or lifts the mood, or makes them feel happy, or triggers an insight, or gives them goosebumps or elevates the vibe and well being. (That's a lot of "or's".....)"
    ...think of it this way. With all those "or's", you're bound to touch even MORE people! ;)

    Good luck with the whole rebellious thing... perhaps you could use the tantalizing books as motivation to get your work done?
    ...nah. If it were me, I'd probably be digging into them about now. xD


  4. I've been feeling a lot of have to myself.
    You're art is totally balanced. I so see it. Now I have to stare at it long enough :)

  5. Beautiful Artwork as usual!... If I could I would of buy more!
    As when you think of money; you put yourself in your own creative way as a road block! Focus on your creative state, be in the now and the things will move by themselves! I know all the listing process and promoting is time consuming; that our hard work!.
    Now if you are attract by a book and a nice spot under the sun; it's because you need to do it! Enjoy the sun as much as you can as well as relaxing time!...Follow your bliss!

  6. Hey Beth, thanks for the compliment! I switched up the colors some for a new print that I'm having made, but I like this one, too. You're right about the money, I really need to focus on the creative and energetic energies rather than on the money part. I think I get a little spun up when I make energy art prints, shifts and healing happening, so some down time is necessary to process it all. A month is a long time, though!

    Hi Tay, I knew of all people, you'd understand about the lure of books! I was immersed in other worlds for awhile there.... a long while, lol. I'm back down to earth now, (I think..or at least as close as I can get to earth!) I've never heard of a teenager that can get up at 6 am with no clock and not be grumpy about it. Are you sure you're not from one of these fantasy worlds I've been reading about? lol

    Hi there Sue! I knew you'd be able to relate to what I'm saying. And I also knew that you'd be determined to overcome the tendency and be successful at it! Your positive attitude and determination are attributes I strive for!

    Hey Finding Charm! I think maybe all of us creative types feel a little pressure from the have to's, and there's lots of those with selling on the internet. I'm hoping that this print "Balance" is a way to get things leveled out some, so keep looking at it while concentrating on whatever balance you're looking for!

    Hi there Syb! Good to hear from you! Be in the now, how true, how true, yet how challenging! It seems to be an ongoing struggle to overcome the fears and insecurities of the future, and the fears of repeating mistakes of the past. Be in the now, words to live by! And you're right, I did need to spend some time in the sun. With winter coming in I need all the sun I can get!

  7. Haha, I am kind of different, LOL... I don't THINK I'm from a fantasy world. But who knows, right? Maybe I am and some alien just wiped my memory or something. xD Sorry, wait, that's sci-fi... xD

  8. you are so amazing much love to you for adding such beauty to the world. All my love! xox A

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