
Saturday, March 26, 2011

An Interview, A Giveaway and Energy Art

"Second Chakra-Expansion" by primalpainter

This is a digital energy art image of my painting of the second chakra called "Healing the Hurt".  I only used one filter to alter it in Gimp as opposed to a gajillion filters like I usually do.  I needed this today due to unforeseen circumstances. I think the time is ripe to do my fourth chakra painting, the dreaded heart chakra. 

For those who don't know what a chakra is, here's a good explanation taken from the blog Kundalini Yoga and Chakra Balancing:

A chakra is defined as a wheel, or vortex of energy. There are seven primary chakras that flow through a human’s energetic system. The chakras have been called “windows to the soul” this is because they provide humans with subtle connections into soul consciousness. It is through the seven energy centers that vitality pulses throughout our system energizing many of our physical, emotional and mental states.

By removing blockages within our chakras we are able to remove blockages within our lives and can discover our true self, and purpose in life and in that discovery live to our fullest expression and potential.

"Second Chakra-Movement" by primalpainter

Now for some exciting news! Melinda from Simply Smitten,  a person I greatly admire, and an Etsy, Artfire and Blogger Extraordinaire did a feature post about me on her blog yesterday!  I was so stoked about it, she did a fantastic job!  She could be a professional interviewer, she asked just the right questions that really made me think and clarify to myself in writing just what exactly it is that I'm doing with my artwork. 

Be sure and check out her blog, Inspiration Earth -  A Journey of Simplicity.  While you're at it, if you're into earth friendly products such as body scrubs, hand sanitizers, lip balms, cleaning products, insect repellents, air fresheners and cool personalized clipboards and more, check out her shops on Etsy and Artfire.

Sometimes, my ideas bounce around in my head like popping popcorn, and writing them down in a coherent way can really help to streamline the goal.  It's something I need to remember to do for myself periodically. 

Paramahansa Yogananda said something along the lines that there are several levels to creating your own reality.  The first it to think it, the second is to write it down, the third is to speak it out loud, and the fourth is to take action.   I would add that it's also important to "feel" it, feel the emotions that go along with a strong visualization of your ideal life. (This wasn't my original thought, I heard it somewhere).  So thank you, Melinda, you prompted me to get things into stage two!

Another thing I wanted to mention today is Simply Smitten's daughter Forest Faery, is having a giveaway on her blog Dreams of Fae.  I hadn't really thought about giveaways before, but  Forest Faery is an inspiration to me despite her young age.  She's giving away a free 5 x 7 print of one her beautiful photos, coupons for both of her Etsy and Artfire shops, an interview on her blog and two friendship bracelets.  What a haul!  Be sure to check it out!

Well, I have things to do's cold, I still have a migraine, so I'm thinking warm bed and my Stephen King book.  Important things, verryyy important things. lol  Maybe tomorrow I'll be back to myself....

Have an awesome day!



  1. Oh Laurie, it sounds like you're having kind of a low energy day, I hope that you're feeling better soon. :) I always like to think of those days as my "resting" days, I'm gathering strength to make a leap of some kind... maybe right into that heart chakra!

    Thanks for all of the lovely words above, it's so funny I went over that interview time and time again trying to get it to say exactly what I wanted it to. Words are so powerful, I wanted to try and share the positive energy and love of life I feel emanate from you and your art, I hope I was able to do that. Take care of yourself today, my friend. :)

    P.S. I just came on to find that Google link... ;)

  2. Thanks so much for sharing my giveaway, I appreciate it. :) Have a great day!

    Taylor Lynn <3

  3. Melinda!! You're a natural at writing and saying just the right thing. Your questions and the way you express yourself are thoughtful and thought provoking. Thanks again for doing such a great feature for me.

    Taylor Lynn, No problem! I'll twitter it again, maybe I'll get my daughter to twitter it, let's see how many people we can get to enter.

  4. Sounds great to me, LOL! :D
