
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Full Moon/Spring Equinox Energy Art

"Full Moon/Spring Equinox 2011"

The image above is my tripped out energy art version of last night's full moon infused with the energy and colors of today's spring equinox.   In an effort to understand my feelings of weirdness for the last couple of days, I discovered an interesting article from the website celestial vision.  The couple who maintain this website are actually from my little town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  Eureka is full of spiritually minded people and is also situated on an energy vortex which seems to attract an abundance of artists, musicians, writers, colorful characters and overall weirdness.

The following is an excerpt from that article:

Rare Cosmic Cocktail Opens Portals for Spiritual Seers By DL Zeta

A unique blend of cosmic alignments over the next few days opens a
portal into new potentials fed by deep streams of renewed creativity and
inspiration. This is truly a portal of new beginnings and powerful

Tonight's (Friday) full moon is closer to the earth than at any time since 1993.
This full moon in Virgo coincides with the spring equinox, which lasts
three days from March 19-21. The spring equinox marks a time of year
when day and night are of equal length, helping us achieve greater balance.

Add to this mix a rare alignment of the Sun and Uranus at the equinox
point of zero degrees Aries. This alignment holds the potential to open
energetic portals for inspiration, creativity, new insights and visions.
It marks a time to listen to deep streams within and work with
intentions powerfully aligned with our spiritual purpose for the highest
good of all.

As we work with our highest intentions, we are able to align with others
on the inner planes to anchor a new time in human consciousness. This
weekend's cosmic alignments will greatly facilitate these efforts.

We Stand at the Threshold of an Unimaginable Future

This is an important moment in time when energies are crystallizing in a
future that is at times difficult to imagine within our present
timeframe. The best way to navigate this time and utilize the
opportunities it offers is to go within your heart and reside in place
of peace, love, and allowing. As you exist in harmony with the flow of
your natural rhythms, you exist in harmony with all the universe.

Standing Strong as Old Structures Crumble

During this time of accelerating earth changes and troubling events
playing out on the world's stage, it is more important than ever to open
to the wisdom and guidance of our higher knowing. As old structures and
forms crumble to make way for the new time on planet Earth, we are able
to stand strong in love and compassion by staying connected through a
telepathic connection to our higher self.

We offer here some steps to strengthening spiritual telepathy. As we
develop a telepathic connection with our higher self, we become
spiritual seers able to reach beyond ourselves into the heart of love no
matter what comes before us. This ability to remain centered in love and
compassion is the source of true healing.

Click HERE to read the whole article which includes her recommended steps for spiritual strengthening.

Now I know there are some who might think this is a bunch of woo woo, and that's cool, but I'm one of those woo woo girls who resonates with this information.  There are things in this universe that are hard to understand with the logical mind, but when the logical mind is bypassed, the intuitive mind can kick in and that's when things start to flow.

The full moon image I created this morning was done in preparation for my fourth chakra painting.  I think the fact that this astrological event is occurring at this point in time is very synchronistic.  Ironically, today is also my 50th birthday which despite being just a number, feels like a turning point of some kind.  I believe that all of this is very relevant to not just the healing of my extremely damaged heart chakra, but is also setting the stage for the next phase of my life. 

Wow, that's some deep sh*t...

Happy Spring Equinox!



  1. Happy birthday!!! :D Cool art, too.

    Maybe I should move to Eureka Springs someday, too... I'm a writer, and I believe that sort of "woo woo" LOL!

    Happy Spring!

    Taylor Lynn <3

  2. I'm sure you'ld love it here! If you ever go on vacation to the midwest, you should swing by but you have to call me so I can show you around.

  3. Sounds good! :D
