
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Studio Day

I surrender............

This is how I feel about the internet today!  The weather is just too nice to be sitting in front of the computer so it's is a day for the studio!  I feel like working on my "Third Chakra"  wall sculpture today, something I've been thinking about  for about three weeks now.   It's about time I let it flow out through my hands instead of clogging things up in my solar plexus.  Yellows, golds, white rays, clearing, healing....oh yeah, it's time.

Before I go play, I wanted to show off this treasury by Etsy talent grahtoestudio entitled "Dreamscapes.....Feel Like This".   This shop is full of some really amazing items made from antlers...yes, I said antlers, so be sure and check it out!
Click on any picture to see the listing on Etsy.

'Dreamscapes..feel like this...' by grahtoestudio

Enjoy this collection of how dreams feel to me...

Sun Flare (Panoramic Collect...

3D Modern Abstract Painting ...

The Encounter, print by 88 o...

Blue Green Felt Geode

Copper Enamel Black Leather ...

Black and white swirls digit...

Paper Magnet - Turquoise, Te...

Button Ring - Black and Whit...

Bamboo Shadows Original Wate...

Jade Snow Wong Turquoise Ena...

SALE - Dragon Veins - Fire A...

Night-light that throws a Fa...

Marine Green Brass Octopus

Dream 5x7 Black and White

Blessings Flower Original Ar...

Dreams of Cutio


My wall sculpture entitle "Renewal" is one of the featured items in this treasury, and I'm pleased that something I made is in a treasury about dreamscapes...that's right up my alley!  Click on the picture to see more photos and information.

Be sure and check out my Etsy Shop: Primalpainter Modern Abstract Art.  I hope to be adding something new soon!




  1. You crack me up! In a wholesome way, of course. I hope your day was satisfyingly productive. Seems to me your work is worthy of being presented at a gallery in some posh neighborhood. Is this something you've considered?

  2. Sue, you are the sweetest thang! I've done the gallery route with some success years ago with a product line that was more commercial but my art has evolved now and I'm still trying to define who I am before I hit it again.

    Working on my third chakra painting stirred up so many issues that I had to stop and process some things. Today I'll try to tackle it again. Chakra work can be really intimidating but the breakthroughs are worth it!
