
Saturday, February 12, 2011

I've Been Thinking.......

I'm falling deeper into the world of gimp. The possibilities seem so endless as I discover all these different things that I can do with imagery.  I want to incorporate this newfound passion (dare I say addiction? lol) into more three dimensional art, but how, and is this real or am I just distracting myself with something I'll never really apply to the real world?

The above picture is a close up of a photo I took of one of my wall sculptures entitled "Renewal".  I did something with gimp,  (I can't remember what it was now lol), and somehow came up with the image below.

It looks kind of like a butterfly doesn't it?!  Maybe I need to read the gimp tutorial and figure out how to do things with purpose instead of these happy accidents.  Actually, I tried to read a little of the tutorial, and as expected, my eyes started to glaze over, colors started flashing before my eyes, and I started thinking about how I needed to vacuum.   Needless to say, when the thought of housework jumped into my head, I took that as a sign to get out of there and fast!!!  Can't stand all that technical mumbo jumbo.  Unfortunately, I need to figure out things like how to get rid of that little white dotted border around the colored part, and if there's some trick to controlling those paint tools easier, stuff like that.  The tutorial seems the way to go........shudder.

Anyway, I was thinking that based on my current fascination with the photo manipulation properties of gimp, that I might have some fun  incorporating these images into my three dimensional wall sculptures somehow. I'm not sure if I would try to reproduce the colors and patterns with paint on wood, or if I would use an actual print of the altered image and glue it onto the wood, enhancing and adding to the image with paint.  Hmmmmmm..........I'll have to think it about some more.   I'm sure my printer is inadequate for something like this, I certainly don't have the correct paper, but maybe I'll try a prototype of some kind with what I've got and see what happens.  What kind of glue would a person use I wonder? What kind of paper? So many questions......I don't know why I can't just keep things simple, but that's the story of my creative life.......always gotta stir things up!

When I try this,  I'll have to pay attention to whether or not it makes me feel tingly and expansive or tight and stressed.  That's how I tell if I'm on the right track.  That might sound weird,  but that's just how I roll......!

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