
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another Dog Story

The Migraine Zone  

I love all my puppies, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it gets a little ridiculous around here.  All of our dogs seem to think they need to be within four feet of me at all times, all  five dogs.  I'm like the pied piper, wherever I go it's a mini parade.  If I shut the door to the bathroom, they  lay down outside the door and wait patiently for me to come back out, then follow me single file and take their places within the four foot range with Bobo in my lap.

Yesterday I had a slammin' migraine, so I took one of my treximets which knock me out  hard.  I fell asleep on the couch and woke up about 2 a.m. and decided I needed to go to bed.  In a hardcore haze of groggy, where am I? mentality, I stood up, stepped on Chance's tail who was sleeping next to the couch.  He let out a yelp which startled Bobo, who sleeps under the blanket with me and triggered  a full-on Jack Russell Terrier tirade of high pitched screaming and yelling. Ellie, my daughter's dog, starts her shrill little girl shrieking.  I stepped somewhere else to get off of Chance's tail, and stepped on Penny's tail, who yelped and started barking.  Then I  stumbled over Patches, (Miss Skunkalicious), and promptly did a face plant on the floor amidst a chaotic chorus of exited dog yelling.  Good grief, what a zoo!

I laid there for a minute, groaning and imagining myself with one of those Batman cartoon bubbles over my head that says POW!  and then one that says ARGGGGGHHHHH!.  The noise and excitement dies down but while I'm on the floor in total darkness trying to get my act together, my face is getting  licked by several tongues at once (cartoon bubble that says EWWWWWWW). 

I stumble towards the bedroom where for some unknown reason, the door is half shut, so I promptly crash into the door with my face!  Good Gawd, that migraine/treximet combo is a bitch...

The good news?  Nothing is broken, my puppies adore me and my migraine is gone. (Cartoon bubble that says AWWWWW).

By the way, that top picture is how I feel when I get a migraine.  I created that image yesterday when I was in the migraine/drugged zone.  Pretty colors but a little chaotic and jaggedy.

Have an awesome day!




  1. I hear you on the dogs. When my girls were small it was just one more body underfoot, but now I'd really, REALLY love some space! ;)

  2. I know what you mean, although, I'm to the point that if I lost one of them (protection for the puppies, please!), I'd probably wind up getting another one at some point because I've become accustomed to the chaos!
