
Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!  Every day should be a day to celebrate this beautiful planet that we call home, but it's awesome  to have an official day of recognition.  What a great way to raise awareness of how important it is to respect, nurture and regenerate the Earth rather than abuse, exploit, and treat it as if its disposable.

In honor of Earth Day and Good Friday, I wanted to share an awesome Artfire Collection that I was proud to be a part of.  It was curated by  Pretty Gonzo .  She makes pretty earrings at an incredible price and has some cool vintage items.

This Collection is called "Symbols of Renewal to Celebrate Easter."   It's full of all kinds of different symbols from different cultures.   Such a great concept! I really love symbols and things that have meaning.  Go check it out if you have time, Pretty Gonzo writes a nice introductory to it that doesn't show up here.

Have a fantastic Earth Day and Good Friday!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Synchronicity and Life Purpose

I've been a big fan of James Redfield for years who wrote the  Celestine Prophecy series of books. If you haven't read the Celestine Prophecy books, they're centered around synchronicities, spiritual insights and awakenings. I don't have his latest book, "The Twelfth Insight" yet, but I'm going to order it today.

I'm also going to start reading the series from the beginning because it's been a few years since I've read it. A movie came out a few years ago called the Celestine Prophecy, but unbelievably I haven't seen it yet.  I'm  going to see if our video store has it, and will be getting it as well. 

Why all the excitement about James Redfield?  Well, I got a notice in my email, that a James Redfield had followed me on twitter.  What?!  Surely not THE James Redfield!  But it was!!  I went to the link from his latest tweet, and below is what I read.

Global Prayer Project sponsored by James and Salle Redfield

Beginning on April 14, a predicted second phase of Unity Consciousness is due to enter the world according to the Mayan Calendar and other prophecies. Again, this deeper spiritual consciousness is something that we can feel personally and see operating synchronistically in the outer world. Remember, this Unity Consciousness, called a 9th wave of divine creation by the Mayans, is predicted to come into our perception in a series of in phases. The first phase, called a Seeding phase, began on March 9 and was characterized by the expansion of the democracy movements in the Middle East and a new emotional empathy with those suffering from the shocking earthquake in Japan and the economic turmoil, especially in the US. The second phase, due to arrive on April 14, is called the Germination phase.

Obviously, this new consciousness is what I have been calling the Twelfth Insight, and I have pointed to the necessity for all of us to "Tune in" or open up to the emerging energies of this spiritual consciousness as though we are -- as the Mayans suggested with the names of these phases -- cultivating a consciousness within ourselves like a farmer would cultivate a plant. This week, let's offer our prayer and visualization toward enhancing and uplifting this process. Join us as we seek to bring the arrival of this new consciousness more readily into public awareness in a way that transcends the fear, pain and anger so many are holding onto.

Wow, how very synchronistic!!  I got a crazy wave of goosebumps when I read this and also when I read other articles on their website CelestineVision.  In my last post, I compared the awareness of my life's purpose to a cutting from a plant with no roots, but finally feel as if  I' ve sprouted  some roots.  According to the Mayans, March 9 (my daughter Andi's birthday, how synchronistic!) was the beginning of the Seeding Phase, and April 14 begins the Germination Phase. Maybe a seed is what I was, not a cutting, but I was close! 

Another strange synchronistic date for me is December 21, which is also a Mayan prophecy date, the big one, which some have misinterpreted as being the end of the world but in my opinion is more along the lines of the beginning of a new level of spiritual consciousness. 

On December 21, 1984, I was the victim of a very brutal attempted murder and rape that took place in my own house while I was in college. I repressed the memory of the rape for 17 years (it happened while I was unconscious from multiple head and brain injuries), and when it finally bubbled to the surface nineteen years later, I thought I was going insane. 

This incident is what triggered me to seek out help.  I was led, very synchronistically I might add, to getting my Reiki degrees and learning about energy work.  Maybe I'll write about that story some day, it might be good for me, although will undoubtedly be disturbing for readers.

Also, I ran across one of my old notebooks from years ago where I had "Lightworker Studio" written all over the page. Wow, trippy. Maybe I'll change my biz name to Lightworker Studio and start to live my life like somone who believes, like someone who's sprouted roots, rather than someone who just says the words.

So anyway, I'm a little blown away.  I wonder what will happen today?  Expecting synchronicities is how to keep them coming, according to the Celestine Prophecy.
"Live every moment of every day with awareness and intention." I think this will be my  new tag line that I'm going to repeat to myself over and over so I don't doze off again.

Have a good one!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Revelation.....

"To discover the truth of our own vision, we must take action by remembering our tools and putting them to work".

I was cleaning up the debris littering my computer area and ran across this quote that I'd written at the bottom of a piece of paper.  Unfortunately, I didn't write down whose quote it is.  I wish I could claim ownership of it, but surely I  didn't come up with something so profound!!  Finding this particular quote at this particular time is one of those synchronistic "the universe will show you the way if you stop being so freakin' dense" moments.

The thing that struck me about this quote was the use of the word "tool".  Several years ago, I had gotten  my Reiki II Degree which means I can practice distance reiki in addition to  hands on healing. (I don't claim to be a healer, but I can channel healing energy from the Source to the recipient or attune an object or place so that it emits healing energy.)  One of the phrases that was used frequently in my classes was toolbox... "put this in your healing toolbox".

I became fascinated with energy work, no, maybe obsessed is a more accurate word.  I learned all kinds of alternative healing practices like EFT, chakra work, Therapeutic Touch, cutting cords, biofeedback, tons of stuff.  I have a very impressive library of alternative healing books. After about two years of fun, learning, and healing, I got distracted with some really hard-core bumps in the road that led to a "black night of the soul" that lasted for four years.  Dark times, dark times. 

I started to emerge into the light again about five months ago.

When I look at my Etsy shop and see the category of the things that have sold there, the writing's on the wall.  I mean, come ON! How much of  a sign do I need?  I've only sold seven things there, but get this....five, FIVE of those seven things have been chakra and healing wall sculptures and paintings.  Below is the latest one that sold.

I'm ready to buckle down and really solidify my focus and intention on the creation of art that can be used as a tool for healing and transformation.  I've been doing that to an extent, but it's been in and out, wax and wane, mexican jumping bean brain, just a cutting, no roots.

I believe I just sprouted roots. Live every moment with intention and awareness, no more mexican jumping bean brain.

Wake up, Laurie, be who you really are.   And who would that be?    A Lightworker.

Wow. Where did that come from? I had to look up the definition of lightworker to verify what it means. The following comes from a really awesome article by Doreen Virtue.  To read the whole thing (it probably applies to many many people) click here:

"Lightworkers are those who volunteered, before birth, to help the planet and its population heal from the effects of fear. Each lightworker is here for a sacred purpose. Very often, however, life on earth with its material focus creates a form of amnesia in lightworkers. They then forget their divine and perfect identities, and also their abilities to miraculously help the earth and all living creatures. When lightworkers forget their true identity and purpose, they feel lost and afraid."

I got some serious goosebumps when I read this article after writing this post.  That usually means truth.

Fascinating place, this universe we live in.

Have a fantastic Sunday!
