
Sunday, July 10, 2011

First Chakra Healing

"First Chakra Healing" by Primal Painter

So last week when I made my latest Chakra Angel called "The Angel Way", I thought it seemed like my  first and second chakras were too small.  I created this digital painting to help with the issues that might be clogging things up.  Throughout the entire process, I focused on clearing and activating the first and second chakras, colors red and orange, with issues being thrown into the violet flame for transformation.  The angels are overseeing the process and providing protection and guidance.  I still need to tweak some things here and there in it, though, like changing the color of the moon, maybe making it smaller, and working on those flames so they aren't so blocky.

Before I did this one, I started another one that was also root chakra oriented.  I wanted to see what was happening down there so I could address the issues more specifically, although I don't know that being specific is really necessary or even desirable. Just jump in with both feet and be done with it! I don't know why I have to drag things out.....

"The Quest" by Primal Painter

This one is almost scary, the designs in the border look like serpents. Ewwww, I'm not really into serpents. She's (me) focusing on the source of light and pulling herself out of the muck and mire.  She's holding energy balls in her hands for courage and to light the way, illuminating the shadowy places.

Here's a little more detail about the first chakra, or root chakra as some might call it.  It's all about basic survival, primal sex drive or the desire to procreate, and bodily life energy.  It's also associated with the endocrine system, hormones, or whoremoans as I like to call them.  There are chakras in the bottoms of the feet, and the first chakra is connected to those as well.  If the first chakra is compromised, grounding might be difficult and hormones might be out of whack.  Uh, yeah, that would be me....

The root chakra is also the seat of the kundalini energy. When kundalini explodes upwards through all the chakras and out the top of the head, it can be like a huge rush of hot energy

I experienced the kundalini being unleashed during my reiki I training. For hours, it was like I was on fire on the inside.  I was convinced I was burning up with a fever, but my skin felt cool to the touch and I wasn't running a temperature.  My brain was all fired up and I was jittery.  The next day I felt like I'd been hit with truck or had the flu,. it was wild.  Energy work is not imaginary!  There was one other person in my class who had experienced the same thing, so I wasn't crazy!

Some people try to get that kundalini rush and even try to sustain it indefinitely, but it takes a toll, or at least it did on me. I think I felt a little of that energy while I was working on that second digital painting, and now I'm feeling the crash.  There's got to be a better way......  Maybe a third painting to level and balance things out, a painting that shows a healthy, open activated first chakra with strong grounding cords..... Oh ok! (lightbulb) 

Well, I'm off....

Have an awesome day!
