
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle

I've been into some serious blues, purples, and turquoise lately.  I can't help it, it just happens.   "The Clearing" is focused  on transitioning from the heart chakra to the blues of the throat chakra  with maybe even some of the purple sixth chakra showing up. Things are on the move!

My heart chakra painting should be finished in the next few days, assuming the timing is right. I had to let it breathe for awhile, not to mention letting myself adjust to the clearing that took place.  This  energy art print is my way of paving the way for the fifth chakra painting, the throat.

Daily Channeled Message® by Dyan Garris 

There is a somewhat softer edge to this day as closure and resolution seem to be right around the corner. As the energies begin to shift now and we can begin to have hope for the future, Spirit asks us to examine a few things. Who or what is your source? Who or what have you been giving your power away to and why? If you've been waiting for a situation to change, waiting and wondering why someone isn't doing or hasn't done something differently, or wondering why someone has the attitudes and point of view that they do, wonder no longer. Focus your energy instead on your own center, your own power, and your own source. Everything is a reflection and you are in there somewhere. Peer inside the darkness and find your light. Reclaim your power. 

The Mirror Card

The Mirror 

"When you look into this mirror 

The reflection is not of you 

This window is here to help you see

Far beyond yourself it's true." 

That's a cool message I thought, and one that I should examine (Great....another message to examine..gah!)

As I'm sitting here, Bobo, my crazy little jack russel terrier is racing madly around the house, bouncing off the furniture for a little extra speed and momentum.  He stops every few seconds, tries to speak in Human, and then he's off again.  Lol, dogs are so funny.   Bobo is especially entertaining with an equal amount of "highly annoying" thrown in which he follows up with "super sweet".   His voice...good Gawd!   So LOUD......and Brain Piercing.

Bobo, such a cute, sweet, smart, annoying little guy! I wuv him. 

A couple of months ago, Bobo (affectionately known as Bobo McBratz)  was racing around the house like Speedy Gonzales and Penny, our roommate Jeremiahs' very overweight hulk of a black lab  (affectionately known as  Penny McPhatz),  decided to get in on the chase.

Penny McPhatz, she's obsessed with food...and lasers   

They were racing around the house at top speed (well, Penny lumbered...the house shook ) with Bobo going up and over all the furniture, easily evading the Incredible Bulk.    Penny decided to cut him off at the pass as he was going over the top of the couch that separates the living room from the dining room.  She jumped on the couch  and somehow launched her walrus like body over the back,  and they collided in mid air.   Bobo richoceted off Penny like he was shot out of a cannon! lol He went flying through the air backwards and bounced off the cedar chest.   lololol 

Oh my gosh, that was so funny, and he was so mad!  I was sitting in the recliner laughing at this turn of events, so Bobo  jumped into my lap and proceeded to cuss Penny up one side and down the other.  I've never heard so many different sounds coming out of that little dog's mouth before and I've heard a lot of sounds as he tries to speak in Human (he's very smart and on occasion gets pretty close).  What a tirade!  So Penny has to tell her side of the story and  sits right at my feet, looks me directly in the face and says "Grrrrr woof.......grrrr woof".  

Then Bobo looked at me and loudly said "arrarrrarr, rrrrr, yip yip, grrr ow ow ow whine whine squeal arararrrrr ow ow ow" with his voice hitting a range of octaves that were mind boggling even for him.   I couldn't help but  laugh, and while Bobo typically enjoys making me laugh, in this case it just made him madder and escalated his tirade. heheee   Poor wittle Bobo....

Here are the rest of our dogs....

Ellie Bear, better known as The White Devil.

She's my daughter Andi's dog that apparently is now my dog seeing as how it's been almost 3 MONTHS since I agreed to babysit her for supposedly a WEEK.  She's getting better behaved or so I tell myself.  She's super smart and does tricks like a circus dog, most notably a very entertaining "Ninja Roll" (but only if there are high quality treats involved like meat.  Dog biscuits, crackers....those are a no go).

Chance, my Bubby Dog

He's the oldest, the most obedient, the most loyal and protective and always has a smile on his face. 

Patches, better known as Patches McPhartz

She's the sweetest, most sensitive and gentlest of our dogs. She always knows when I feel bad and tries to give me some lovin'.  This picture was taken in the Great Blizzard of 2011.

Needless to say, sometimes it's a madhouse around here, a madhouse sitting in the middle of an increasingly unruly jungle. I wouldn't trade it though, I love my crazy jungle.

I know Memorial Day is about war veterans, but it's also a day that I choose to honor the memory of my mom, my dad, my aunts (especially Aunt Gladys), uncles, and grandparents.

Have a great one everybody!
