
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Riding the Waves" Send Light to Joplin, Missouri

"Riding the Waves" by Primal Painter

Here's another experiment with painting using Gimp tools.  There are two hidden faces and a little moon in this one....I swear, I can get immersed for hours with this stuff!  I don't know exactly what the meanings are for these faces. The girl seems to be connecting with lunar energy and the high/low tides of  emotion.  Maybe she has issues with the people represented by the faces and is working on energetically releasing them although the faces don't necessarily look like enemies, just observers.

I'm not done yet, I see a few more faces in there that need to be pulled out.  Hmmm "pulled out".  I wonder if that's like pulling out a tooth? Bringing to the surface to be healed? I don't know, all I know is that this is some fascinating stuff and hopefully  it will all make sense at some point.

I did a distance Reiki session with the sweetest girl the other day named Anya.  She's a new Etsy seller and just started a blog.  Her shop is called ShopDionne and her blog is Start With Style .  Anyway, the session was way cool, and I realize once again that I'm clairsentient.  I "feel" what the other person is feeling, including physical sensations, although for some reason, many times I'll feel things on the opposite side of my body from where the person is feeling them.  I always think I should be clairvoyant where I "see" things because it's so easy for me to visualize, but I don't seem to do that during a session.  Sometimes I'll "hear" things, so I might have a little clairaudience going on, but I don't really trust that yet....I have a vivid imagination that might be filling my head with thoughts or at least that's my suspicion.!

Anya is into Reiki and seems to be very clairvoyant. She connected with me also during the session and told me of the visuals she received during it.  She saw me climbing a mountain, the higher and steeper the better, sometimes I'd lose my footing and slip, but I didn't feel fear, I just kept going.  I was also wearing a cape which she interpreted as me not taking myself too seriously. lol  I'd say that was about right!  When I reached the top, I was being chased by wolves, but I hid in a tree that had spy holes in it. I threw the wolves off by leaving my false self out where they could attack it. She had some nice encouraging things to say about me.

 I thought this was a very accurate reading from someone who didn't know of my journey at all! I have to really think about that part where I leave my false self outside as a decoy and let the wolves go after it.  That visual  keeps coming into my mind, so I'm thinking there's some profound wisdom in it that I need to wrap my brain around.  Anyway, it was super cool and I'm really glad to have met her.

Well today is a studio day. The sun is out, the rain has stopped for a few hours and my grass has grown about 10" in the last week!!  We missed the tornadoes that hit Joplin and Oklahoma.   Joplin is about 1 1/2 hours away, 30% of the city was leveled (Joplin is a fairly large city) and 123 people are dead so far.  The scenes from there are heart wrenching.

I couldn't believe my eyes this morning.  It had to have been a mistake, but if it wasn't, I hope someone gets their ass fired.  On tv, there were some previews for the 8  a.m. news. They were showing scenes from Joplin and one was of the rubble of a house  There was a closeup of the dead face of a kid buried underneath.  I almost puked.  Of all the insensitive shit I've ever seen, my Gawd that was some of the worst.

Sorry for that visual.  Put it out of your head, but send love and light to that poor community and the traumatized  family of that little kid.



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Energy Art using Gimp's Airbrush Tool

Work in Progress by Primal Painter

I've started to do some actual rendering with Gimp as opposed to my usual freestyle happy accidents.  This is one of my first attempts.  I came up with a happy accident, then went into it with the warping tool and starting moving things around and painting with the airbrush tool.  If you enlarge it, you can see the details better. I'm torn between making the details in her face more distinct or making them even more vague.

 I'm really clumsy with that darn mouse, I wish I had one of those tablets where you can use a pen to draw on the screen.  Wow, I could really do some awesome things with that, but alas, it's out of my reach financially at the moment.

Now for a little something I don't normally do.  Sara, a wonderful painter who creates very inspirational work, tagged me on her blog Simply Sarafina Paintings to fill out the ABC's of Me questionnaire. I'm not usually into that kind of thing, I might moan and groan a little at the thought, but I didn't want to let Sara down.  Copy and pasting wasn't working, and after answering the questions twice (TWICE), I finally gave up.  So Melinda from Inspiration Earth, sent me a pdf file and lo and behold, I think it's going to work.....(groan...just kidding).

So for the THIRD time..............

A. Age:  50 (what?) Did I say 50? I meant 49
B Bed size:  Twin size which is right next to my boyfriend's queen size. Weird, you might say, but frankly I got tired of being bounced around all night like I'm riding in the back of an old pickup truck driving really fast through a bumpy pasture.  (That's fun, by the way, when I'm AWAKE)
C. Chore you hate:  All of them, especially dishes....and vacuuming.....and dusting......
D. Day:  Today or maybe tomorrow
E. Essential start to the day:  Doggy kisses.  Boyfriend kisses? Eh, not so much (just kidding, that's too mean....heheh.)
F. Favorite color: All the shades of purple
G. Gold or Silver:  Gold.....or silver
H. Height: 5'8"
I. Instruments:  Piano and saxophone when I was a young whippersnapper. Actually I wasn't a whippersnapper until I was in college...What is a whippersnapper anyway? Is there any whipping of any snappers going on? hehee (don't go there, Laurie)
J.Job title:  Professional....uh.......Bum?  Oh I meant Professional Artist
K. Kids: A 21 year old daughter, Andi and a bunch of furry, feathery kids - 5 dogs, 3 cats, 2 goats, 2 bunnies (down from 28 when I realized the meaning of humping like bunnies), 9 chickens
L. Live:  Yes, I Live, some days more than others.
M. Mum's name: Velma, she passed on from bone cancer in '99
N. Nicknames:  Laurie Belle, Mama Cat
O. Overnight hospital stays:  4 overnighters
P.Pet peeve:  People who eat crunchy food with their mouths open, like Doritos (Gah! I'll keeell you!!)
Q. Quote from a movie:  "Ai-Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi Yiiiiiiiiiiiii"  from the movie Avatar
R. Right or left handed:  Right
S. Siblings:  Older sister and brother Nancy and Steve, a younger brother Eric
T. Time you wake up:  6:30 to 8:00 a.m.
U. Underwear:  oh uh, (blushing), no thank you
V. Vegetables you dislike:  slimy cooked spinach like they used to serve in the school cafeteria (grrr-ossss)
W. What makes you run late:  My dogs chasing the car down the road then having to turn back and put them in the house, forgetting something and having to go back, putting things off until the last minute, not accounting for traffic, photo ops
X. X-rays you've had:  tons which may explain my unearthly glow
Y. Yummy food you make:  Hahahahaha, I don't cook (at all) but sugar snap peas that I've grown in the garden are the best
Z. Zoo:  Zoos suck

Well I did it!

By the way, I got the most amazing package from Melinda, Taylor, Jordan, and Riley yesterday.  It made tears come to my eyes it was so sweet.  Melinda sent me some orange flavored lip balm and my lips still feel soft from yesterday. She also sent me some Invigorating Hand Sanitizer made from witch hazel and essential's really amazing stuff, and so is she.  The handmade cards she sent are absolutely gorgeous....and I mean gorgeous!  Taylor sent me a lovely purple bookmark with my name on it, Jordan sent me a super cool handmade card and four of her needle felted acorns (so cute! I have the perfect little bowl).  Riley sent me a handmade zebra card and a sweet note.  Let me take a picture real quick.......

That photo doesn't really do those handmade cards justice, they're extremely well done and appealing! Thank you so much Smitten Family.  It wasn't expected or necessary, but I'm thrilled and touched!

Now for a couple of pictures of the things I smell when I walk outside (in addition to dogs and goats....)

 Orange Blossoms are loaded this year....

 Nothing is better than honeysuckle!

 Mini Holliehocks are gorgeous!

Wild roses....yum.....
I think I forgot to size all these photos down.  Does this page load super slow because of it?

Have an Awesome Sunday!!!
