
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chakra Angel

In response to the crazy weirdness I've been feeling for WEEKS, I thought I'd do a little evaluation of how my chakra system looks right now.  I created "Chakra Angel" a few days ago with the intention of seeing what the heck's up.  Frankly, I'm tired of feeling all discombobulated. (This is my word today, so I might have to find a reason to use it again.) (Why is it my word? I dunno, it's just a weird word.....discombobulated... hee!...who came up with that one, I wonder?)

I see a huge crown chakra at the top, nice, I'm glad to see that.  One thing I usually don't have a problem with is a good strong connection to the Source, you know, God, the Universe, a Higher Power..  Sometimes I get all discombobulated (hee) with my Higher Self, but the Source is almost always a constant.  

I'm surprised to the see that the sixth chakra,  the second from the top, is smallish and dark.  I always fancy myself as being an intuitive type, but according to this, my perceptions are.......discombobulated.  

The throat chakra, well I'm not surprised to see that one compromised.  I've always been an internal type of person. Sometimes I don't say what I mean, or I mean things I don't say or I don't say anything at all. Instead  I'll fume or bury or pretend.  Not exactly the ideal scenario, not that I want to yell and scream....or do I?   

The heart chakra, not bad.  What a surprise! Cool! Two weeks ago that puppy would've been closed up, maybe not even visible, so there's been some progress. Awesome!

Wow, the yellow solar plexus, the third, is HUGE! What's up with that I wonder? The third chakra is about self identity, how I see myself, how much do I believe in myself, how confidant I am.  This is a good sign...but maybe it's too big, too open?  A third chakra that's too open can cause stomach and digestive issues from not feeling safe in your environment.  I don't have any of that so maybe I'm good..

The second chakra is  not looking too bad. Good deal.  I'm glad the work I've done on the second chakra is holding up although it's slightly out of alignment.  That's easy enough to fix.... Visualize each chakra in perfect alignment with the others, listen for thoughts popping up as to why it got out of alignment in the first place.  

The first chakra is looking a little puny. I'll do some more work there. Extending down from the first chakra are the start of some decent grounding cords but they don't seem to be too strong.  I'll work on those, too, as I do have a tendency to float away into la-la land. (but, but...I  love la-la land!)

A new way of diagnosis, cool!  Did you see the moon face at the bottom of the angel?  Did  you know that you can actually airbrush with Gimp?  How fun is that?! I'm going to start doing more hidden faces, images, and figures.  I love art that has surprises!  I'd really like to learn how to use the "layers" tool so I can superimpose  photos onto each other.  

There's some kind of tool, or computer where a person can actually hold a pen and draw on the screen instead of the clumsiness of using the mouse.  (I'm terrible at drawing with the mouse!)   Anyone know what those things are called?  They probably cost a gajillion dollars or maybe even two gajillion dollars, but sure would be fun!

Well, I'm off.... Maybe someday I'll learn how to put page tabs at the top of this blog and include a chakra guide.  I forget sometimes that not everyone is familiar with chakras, Reiki, and other energy work terms.

Have a good one!!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Funny Dog Tease Video

Heeheeheeeeee!!! Nothing like a good laugh to start out the morning!  We have five dogs, and apparently I carry on conversations with them where I use a different voice for their responses. Apparently I even use voices with an accent, what's up with that? I don't even know any accents!

I don't think any of our dogs are Spanish or French, but then I guess I don't know for sure.  Maybe in a past life, who knows.   Actually, the accent I use is probably of no particular origin, maybe it's an accent with Dogland origins...  Or Muttvania....Or Puppydelphia.....Or Poochawotami...  lol   Oh man, sometimes I amuse myself.

This is a totally subconscious thing I do with them.  Someone pointed it out to me awhile back, and I thought "Huh, I really need to get out amongst the humans a little more, ya think?"  I don't know, I have a tendency to like my make believe world here in Laurie Land, although a little more human contact might not be horrible.

This weekend I'm going out in public, so that should satisfy the human contact thing for awhile.   It's our annual May Fine Arts Festival Artrageous Parade, so there will be plenty of bizarre make believe stuff going on, so maybe it won't be too much of a culture shock. For being so small, this town is a very colorful place with lots of action! We're frequently in the news for one bizarre thing or another. Anyway, if I remember, I'll take pictures and do a post about the parade.

Well I'm off to mow the lawn before the next rain comes in this afternoon.  The grass  has reached about 10" high, which should be loads of fun with my untrusty pushmower..

Have a good one!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Heart Chakra Challenges

"Angel Heart" by Primal Painter

I'm super excited to have been featured on one of my very favorite blogs of all time  Dreams of Fae!  Taylor Lynn is an amazing young girl, an excellent writer, a fantastic photographer with a great eye, a thinker, a protector of the environment, an animal lover, an avid reader, she's just got it all!  Her blog is definitely a must follow.  And while you're at it, check out her personal blog Perfectly Sensible Nonsense which is just as awesome as her business blog .  To see her photography skills at work, check out her Etsy Shop The Forest Faery.  Thanks Tay, I'm honored that you thought of me!

I created this Energy Art Angel (above) a few days ago in response to the issues I've been having with my heart chakra painting.  (What? Issues with the heart chakra? Surely not.....)   Gah!  That's right, mucho crapola has been tied up in the ole' heart chakra.  

It's just as I expected, and as hard as it is,  I'm grateful to have the opportunity to clear out some of these issues.  This angel is infused with the movement and colors of several chakras  with the flow of energy going up and out, passing through the crown and transforming  into light and forgiveness.  The area around the heart is dark, but the light is illuminating the pain and 
the anger, bringing them out of the shadows. 

There's some interesting symbolism in this image, for example, the shape way above the angels head is in the shape of a shield (a light source is at the base). Do you see it?  I thought it was interesting that a way of protecting the heart is in the saying "Shield's up."  There are others, too, but somehow my posts always get sooooo loooonnnnggggggg....

My heart chakra painting started out good, it was really pretty actually.  Then I took a break, looked at it a few days later and thought "Wow, this isn't real, this is how I want to be, but it's certainly not how I am".  So I set my intention to paint my heart chakra as it is now.  So now it's  muddy, dark, messy, and  ugly.....and then the issues arose.  I guess it takes being authentic and honest to get to the root of things and bring about true healing.  I sure wish I could just fake my way through things, but I've tried that....over and over.... and it doesn't work!

I stumbled across the following message somewhere, can't remember where.  I really need to work on paying attention! Anyway, I thought it was a good message:

Daily Channeled Message® by Dyan Garris 

Sometimes all we can see is what is directly in front of us. In our inability to see the bigger picture, to see the potential that is around the bend, we sabotage ourselves. And sometimes our expectation and attachment to the way things are "supposed" to look when we get around that bend is what sets us up for disappointment. When you can move along the path knowing that whatever shows up along the way and whatever things look like when you get to the clearing, they are all in perfect order, no matter what you believed was "supposed" to happen, then you have just freed yourself. Today's energy asks that we try to see both the forest AND the trees and KNOW that the rest will come. 

The Clearing Card 

The Clearing 
"The clearing you have come to here
May be a place of rest
Patience then is needed now
Before you can resume the quest." 

Well, the sun is actually out today, it's a miracle!  We actually had three more inches of rain in the last two days on top of the 18" we'd had over the past week!  Everything's so green and bright....wheee!!!

I'm about done with all this seriousness...I think the next post should be frivolous and fun!

I'm off!  Have a great one!
