
Friday, April 29, 2011

Reiki Attuned Energy Art Necklace

I just started listing energy art necklaces on Etsy and Artfire in the past few days.  I know I need to work on the focus (my eyes are getting blurry, darn it!) but I was wondering if I could get some opinions on the presentation.

For the first one I added in the blue gradation for the background. I think I might need to make it lighter, though.

The second one shows the size and how it looks as a necklace. It's  1 1/2" in diameter but I'm wondering if that's too large for the average person. 

The last photo just has a white background without the cord on it, but maybe that gives the impression that it's just the pendant without the cord. 

Right now, I have them listed at $25, but I thought that may be too high. Maybe $20 would be better.  I don't want to go much lower than that because of the time involved in creating the print, and the work that goes into making the pendant, not to mention the cost of the cord, listing, the print, the selling fee, the paypal fee....  I also offered a free 30 minute distance reiki session to go along with them. Not a bad deal I thought, but don't know how other people would see it.

The questions I have are this:

1) For a first impression, which photo would look best? I have a tendency to go with the first one because I'm into color, but sometimes my taste is way off from other people's taste.

2)  Is it too big?  I can make them smaller. I blurred out the skin texture (sun damage lol), does that look weird? I also added in the black "shirt".  Does it look fake and weird?  I see there's a blurry part on the shirt, I could fix that.

3) Does having the pendant without the cord on it give the impression that it's not a necklace?  It clearly says it comes with an adjustable length leather or cotton cord in the description, but how many people read the description?  

4)  Does the description make sense?  Is it too long?  Too much information? You can see the description HERE.

I've been fragging over these questions for days, and finally it got through my thick skull that I have some bloggy friends whose opinions I greatly value and could give me some insights! Takes me awhile sometimes..........

It's beautiful, warm, and sunny here today, yay! I'm torn between laying out in the sun and soaking up some rays and feel good light, cleaning up the yard, and working in the studio on my heart chakra painting. Gee, could it be possible to do all of the above?  

I dunno, the basking in the sun sounds pretty good after the 18" of rain we've gotten over the past week! And I can do that for HOURS (hence the sun damage). I've always been a sun worshipper and never been into the whole sun block thing. I guess there's a price to pay for such reckless self-indulgence!  Maybe I'll amaze myself and try to do it ALL! Or not, we'll see.

Have an awesome day!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crazy Assed Weather

"Dream Angel"  by Primal Painter

I love this angel, the colors, the movement, the feeling, everything about it makes me gaze at it and feel better about things.  I've really needed to feel better the last few days, so yay for Dream Angel!

We've had so much rain in the past five days (or maybe longer, it feels like forever) that many of the roads around here have been washed out and flooded.  Several people have been washed away in their cars, the rivers are at dangerous flood levels, people have been's been something else. Twelve inches so far and more coming this afternoon.

We've had hail three days in a row.  The first day, the hail was the size of tennis balls and didn't just fall out of the sky, it  SHOT down on us with unbelievable force at an angle.  It felt like we were under attack!  The ice balls would hit the rocks, the trash cans and the CAR and the WINDOWS and just explode like mini bombs.

I was  screaming and shrieking about windows getting smashed out, so my boyfriend Jamie ran out to the car to cover up the windshield (he was too late) and got pelted with hail so big that it drew blood and made big welts on his arms.  I've never seen anything like it and I'm OLD!

My yard is littered with copious amounts of leaves and branches, my flowers are shredded.....Man! Crazy sh*t!  For some reason, and I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I've been super emotional.  I have to wonder if it's because of the work I've started doing on my heart chakra painting.  My heart chakra is so deeply wounded that opening it up is releasing floodgates of emotions, kind of like the flood gates that have opened up in the sky.  I anticipated this happening but it's still intense!

It also doesn't help that I've been having horrible migraines, too.  I had some serious brain and head injuries that make me susceptible to post traumatic migraines.  I hate drugs, and the pills I take to get through them are brutal on my system.  No headache today (thank you God!) but I look and feel like complete and utter hell.

Well, on that depressing note, maybe some sunny happy pictures are in order! Here's a few pictures of some of my flowers before the shredding..

My eyes are starting to get blurry on me (another side effect of the migraines, no it's not age darnit!), especially the eye I look through the camera with, so it's getting trickier and trickier to get things in focus.  I already have to wear reading glasses to read, but they don't work with the camera viewfinder.  Not quite sure what I'm going to about that little glitch.

Well I need to get some things done before the next storm and the next migraine, so have a good one! (I made one of the tags for this post "whining", gah!  Sorry.....)

