
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Crazy Creative Burst

I don’t really know what’s been happening, but holy cow, my brain has been bursting, and I mean BURSTING with a million gajillion ideas and things I want to make.   Is anyone else having some kind of creative explosion goin’ on I wonder? Of course, now the trick is going to be making it go from my head and out through my hands, ya know what I mean? LOL

I’ve been occupying myself taking pictures of this recent snow  we had and then manipulating  them on gimp to pull out the energetic essence and turn them into abstract art. So……frickin’……funn!!!!!  And I don’t even know what I’m doing,  I’m just messin’ around and hitting buttons until something groovy happens.

Very addictive I have to say.  I start out with a photo, and then start messing with it until it only vaguely resembles the original image.  It starts to turn into abstract energy art right before my eyes!  Sooo trippy! I hope it doesn’t keep me from painting, but what I’m thinking is that these could be used as references and inspiration to create three dimensional art.

 I wonder if this creative burst has anything to do with the work I’ve done on my first and second chakras in the last couple of months. When those bottom two chakras get clogged up, I’m thinkin’ the whole energy flow gets disrupted, diverted, maybe even stopped…and that can’t be good! Whatever the reason, something awesome has happened, so despite all my new ideas, I’m going to prioritize working on my third chakra painting first.

The above picture has a third chakra vibe to it, and probably resembles my own third chakra with its’ areas of darker energy that need to get cleared out.  It even has some murky green in there that’s probably some toxic seepage from my fourth chakra.

I shouldn’t get too addicted to this photo manipulation stuff, although it has potential as stand alone prints….but I can’t think of that right now!  Ack! See what I mean about bursting with ideas?   Time to get organized and prioritize.


Nature as Abstract Art - Altered Photos

Just yesterday I discovered a setting on my camera that takes these really close-up photos. THEN I discovered the wonders of Gimp, and have altered some snowstorm photos into some very cool abstract art.....well, I think they're cool, anyway!  What a fun way to spend a snowbound day when it's too cold to go work out in the studio!

Heehee, how fun!

Colorful Etsy Treasury for a Snow Day

This treasury was done a couple of weeks ago, but as way to thank my fellow artists and craftsmen for featuring me, I wanted to start posting them all. This one was curated by mistflowerphoto on Etsy.

'Watch Out...' by mistflowerphoto

for color. It will capture your heart! Enjoy! Valerie

Edgy woven shrug - purple pa...

Watcher- 24x36 HUGE CONTEMPO...

RAINBOW JEANS...Custom Hand ...

Purple people eater bead emb...

Hand Dyed - Hemp Jersey - Ki...

Hand Dyed Vintage Slip --Ame...

Blown Away - Lampwork Glass ...

Tie Dye Leggings in Indigo a...

BOGO Frozen In Time 8x10 Pho...

aQUA creaM ----------5965.0...

The Virgin Queen Capelet

Blue and Green

CHRISTMAS SALE Knitting Croc...

Wall Sculpture Modern Psyche...

Rainbow Brite Arm Warmers



My wall sculpture entitled "Psychedelic Sunburst #1" was included in this colorful and fun treasury. It measures 28" high, 23" wide, and 3" deep. It's contructed with four seperate layers of wood placed at varying heights giving it a sculptural quality. (and no, it doesn't glow in the dark but would probably look really cool under a blacklight.)

If you like this type of wall sculpture and would like to see more, go to my Etsy shop HERE!

Friday, February 4, 2011

A New Treasury Tool For Etsy

Much of this blog is going to be about promoting other very talented and deserving artists and craftspeople.  Speaking only for myself, part of my healing process is to pull out of my self-absorbed hermit mode, and help others. Now I realize that  nobody but me might read this, but I have to start somewhere and it's the thought that counts!

There's a fun new treasury tool available that not only lets us post treasuries on our blogs, but also lets them be "clickable".  How cool is that, right?!  I'm going to give it a trial run and see how it goes.....

IT WORKED! Awesome!  This treasury was created by Joyousworld  and is showcasing Handmadeology teammates.   My featured wall sculpture is HERE.

'At the Brink of Dusk' by Joyousworld

Every night just at dusk I go out walking with my dogs, with barely enough daylight to see.... It is such a ethereal time. Lines between reality and the imagined become blurred.

Burning Sky - harvest gold o...

Flying Angel Horse

White and Yellow Felted flow...

Dusk. Midnight Black Earring...

Modern Abstract Painting Hea...

Hair Sticks Pair Shed Antler...

memories of Paris pencil box...

Vintage 70s String SPIROGYRA...

Small Round Drawstring Bag B...

Crochet Ornament, Satin Cord...

Surreal Gothic Gate Original...

Painting, Oil Paint, Origina...

Clearance Leather Wrap Brace...

Fragment: Winter Walk III

coat rack, rustic antique bl...

Colorful Chunky Bohemian Bra...


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Second Chakra - Healing the Hurt

This is a cool image, in my opinion. It’s called “Healing the Hurt“, it’s made from 1/4″ birch wood and measures about 13″ in diameter. It was really fun and interesting to create this abstract wall sculpture that represents the movement and clearing out of old energy, second chakra style.

I’ve started on a little journey, or maybe in my complicated case, a looooonnnggg journey…lol For whatever reason, the thought of doing energy work on my chakras is a mixture of fear, dread, procrastination, and gratitude for the noticable improvements. I can feel a definite difference in my energetic sensitivity and more amazingly, how to keep it up and healthy since working with my first and second chakra abstract paintings.

So what’s this fear and dread about anyway? When I visualize the health of my chakra system, it seems to me that my third, fourth, and fifth chakras are a mess. Actually, I think my heart chakra has been seriously damaged and it’s screwed up the chakras on either side of it. There’s going to be issues to confront, things that I’d rather just sweep under the rug, uncomfortable emotions, facing some harsh realities about myself, then acceptance, forgiveness, and release. The opening happens….the light radiates out through the chakra, clearing away all the crap and debris that’s clogging up the flow.

The first chakra wall sculpture I did is called “The Red Portal“. I noticed that there’s an evolution in the rendering of the rays and the light source from the first to the second. I’m interested to see how the third, yellow chakra painting turns out….and all the rest of them, for that matter. I connect with the chakra and let myself visualize its appearance. Then that visual energy bypasses my brain and comes out my hands. lol I never really know what’s going to happen.

After I’m done with the series of energy paintings intended for chakra opening and clearing, I’m going to do a series intended for chakra balancing and strengthening, you know, with SPIRALS!!!.
To see more of my abstract wall sculptures, you can go to my Etsy shop HERE